Eg stend eg, seddu

Eg stend eg, seddu.
Eg stod her i fjor òg eg, seddu.
Eg kjem til å stå her eg, seddu.
Eg tek det eg, seddu.
Du veit ikkje noko du, seddu.
Du er nyss komen du, seddu.
Kor lenge skal me stå her?
Me fær vel eta, seddu.
Eg stend når eg et òg eg, seddu.
Og kastar fatet i veggen.
Me fær vel kvila, seddu.
Me fær vel sova, seddu.
Me fær vel pissa og skita òg, seddu.
Kor lenge skal me stå her?
Eg stend eg, seddu.
Eg tek det eg, seddu.
Eg kjem til å stå her, eg, seddu.

I’m standing me, got it

I’m standing me, got it.
I was standing here last year too me, got it.
I’m going to stay standing here me, got it.
I take it me, got it.
You don’t know anything you, got it.
You’ve only just got here you, got it.
How long shall we stand here for?
We might as well eat, got it.
I even stand when I eat me, got it.
And throw the tray against the wall.
We might as well rest, got it.
We might as well sleep, got it.
We might as well piss and shit too, got it.
How long shall we stand here for?
I’m standing me, got it.
I take it me, got it.
I’m going to stay standing here me, got it.

Olav H. Hauge

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